load the device level member functions
this also sets the private member 'device' to the passed in VkDevice
as well as the otional host allocator
if a custom allocator is required it must be specified here and cannot be changed throughout the liftime of the device
now the DispatchDevice can be used e.g.:
auto dd = DispatchDevice( device );
dd.vkDestroyDevice( dd.vkDevice, pAllocator );
convenience functions to omit the first arg and the allocator do exist, see bellow
load the device level member functions this also sets the private member 'device' to the passed in VkDevice as well as the otional host allocator if a custom allocator is required it must be specified here and cannot be changed throughout the liftime of the device now the DispatchDevice can be used e.g.: auto dd = DispatchDevice( device ); dd.vkDestroyDevice( dd.vkDevice, pAllocator ); convenience functions to omit the first arg and the allocator do exist, see bellow